Big Sexy Lashes featuring the Edda Cloud in White!

This week Courtney sits down with Keri Bradshaw of Big Sexy Lashes in Texas! Keri has recently undergone a salon makeover, and her Cloud (white) Edda bed has taken on a whole new level of glam. Find out how she cleans, cares, and uses her bed after having it for two years!
Big Sexy Lashes featuring the Edda Cloud in White! - Plush + Oak

This week Courtney sits down with Keri Bradshaw of Big Sexy Lashes in Texas! Keri has recently undergone a salon makeover, and her Cloud (white) Edda bed has taken on a whole new level of glam. This blog post is interesting as Keri's bed is actually over two years old (and yes, still looks this good!). See below as we talk all things BSL, Texas lashes, Keri's success and devotion to her business despite her serious health concerns, and keeping her white Edda pristine! 

Courtney: Keri, first of all, we love the name Big Sexy Lashes and that you're from Texas... everything is bigger in Texas as they say. Can you tell us about BSL, the thought process behind your name and a bit about your career thus far?

Keri: I lost my lash virginity in the early 2000s in Burbank, California in a picturesque bungalow located off Olive Avenue. My lashes and life were inadvertently changed as I was introduced to an industry I had no idea existed. At the time, eyelash extensions were emerging, and Los Angeles held the reins. It was the opportunity of a lifetime to learn my fundamental skills from the most seasoned lash veterans.

I exchanged my Von Dutch ball cap for a Stetson and headed for the hills of Austin, Texas to open Big Sexy Lashes. The name Big Sexy Lashes was catchy, unforgettable, and encompassed the focus of my business “lashes”. After all, everything is bigger in Texas!

My career has been minted by accolades, celebrities, and, at one point, a salon in the Four Seasons. Twenty years later, BSL has become an Austin staple for luxury lash services. I find my work very motivating. My clients give me purpose and life. Being surrounded by inspiring women has been the most rewarding part of my journey.

Outside of solidifying ownership over my career, I remain passionate about sharing the knowledge I’ve learned over two decades of business as a trainer. It is rewarding to help my peers navigate through the lash business by sharing application techniques, industry education and business tips and tricks that I’ve gathered along the way.


Courtney: We were thrilled when we saw your instagram tag come through to the Plush + Oak page with your newly remodelled salon. What inspired you to remodel and can you talk about the vision you had for the new space vs your previous space?

Keri: My salon is already known for its contemporary design, as well as offering incredible services. I wanted to continue that tradition and take it a step further, with a strong focus on making this space monochromatic.

For my change initiative, I embraced the natural light pouring in from the floor- to-ceiling windows and introduced lush greenery in the form of monsteras, fan palms, and banana trees to name a few. I incorporated rounded furniture and embraced circular shapes with the crescent-shaped CosmoGlo light, sizeable oval mirrors, and Scandinavian chairs. The treatment area's focal point is the Edda bed, surrounded by rich velvet draperies, and maple wood paneling slat walls from Architectural Depot. The finished space is an alluring sun-drenched paradise welcome to all.

Courtney: You've had your Edda Salon bed in Cloud (white) for a couple years now. How are you finding it for your services as we see you also do brow and hydrafacials as well as lashes and brows on it? Can you talk about the customizations and accessories you chose to make it the ideal set up for you and your clients?

Keri: The Edda bed is a game-changer for all beauty enthusiasts! Its luxury leather fabric, ergonomic design, and comfortability have elevated my clients’ experience. The white color is sleek and blends well with my workspace. The Plush + Oak bolster pillow not only serves for leg support but works well to convert for those wanting to lay flat. My products are conveniently placed on the oversized headrest with Headrest Cover, beside a Sugarlash Pro pillow with plenty of space to work without a kitsch tray table. It’s a must-have for all lash artists!

Courtney: White is a bold choice for any salon setting, but you've doubled down on the white going for almost every piece of furniture in a crisp white/bright colour palette. How have you found it? Any advice for someone contemplating a white salon? Tips for keeping things pristine?

Keri: I was apprehensive about the quality of the white! The plush + oak premium leather options feature unique patterns that showcase modern beauty. These soft and supple real leather upholstery fabrics ensure quality, strength, and durability for years to come. No body imprints here!

As far as cleaning is concerned, I utilize my Dyson purification fan, Molekule, and GLAMCOR Flow Pro for professional air purification to combat dust and debris. The result is a salon clean enough to eat off of the floors.

The process of sanitation is simple. I spray the bed, bolster and chair with Lysol and wipe down with barbicide wipes after every client, allowing it to air dry. I give clients the option to remove their shoes or I cover them with disposable booties. Once a week I mix a solution of lukewarm water and dish soap. With a soft, clean cloth, gently wipe the bed taking care not to push too much water into the leather material (too much water can damage genuine leather). With a clean, soft cloth, wipe and remove the excess soap and water. Make sure to leave the area well-ventilated and allow it to air dry.

Courtney:  What has your clientele thought of the Edda bed, and how does it compare to what you were previously using? How do you find your experience as the artist for posture and comfort?

Keri: Everyone loves the comfort of the bed. I previously used massage tables with custom-fit memory foam toppers, bedding, and bolsters. The bed was flat with the head and legs elevated. At the time, my beds were still far comfier than what was on the market. With the use of Sugarlash Pro back support brace, correct chair/bed height, and client placement on the bed, I keep good posture.

Courtney:  Is there any advice you can give artists who may be debating doing a salon remodel who aren't sure if it's worth the effort? What impact has it had on your business, and on you personally as the owner?

Keri: With a refreshed and innovative new look, you’re able to create a more modern and inviting atmosphere for clients, boosting foot traffic and its potential to attract and retain new business. Additionally, a well-designed space can create a sense of professionalism and credibility, instilling trust and confidence with your clientele.


Courtney: When we first chatted about your bed, you were undergoing serious treatments for your health and I understand you still are. How do you manage to run a thriving business while living with life threatening illnesses?

It’s a great question and one I think folks might sometimes be too timid to ask, so thank you. I know it can appear mysterious when there are only snippets people see online. Ever-increasing physical limitations aren’t something most would boast about, but I probably should be more “out loud” about how I’m proud of myself for the many ways I’ve adapted and how much better I am at listening to my body than I used to be. And who knows? Maybe someone reading this will see a bit of themselves and know they can make it work too. Saying I’ve been on life support for seven years may sound dramatic, but that is literally how my care is categorized. That is what it is. Life support. I cannot live without the lines in my chest delivering nutrition to my bloodstream 24/7. The list of diagnoses and various illnesses identified is extensive, but I can say I’m still here!! I wasn’t sure how many “tomorrows” I would have when I was slowly and excruciatingly starving. We tried everything: medications, feeding tubes, NG tubes and multiple surgeries, so many so that scar tissue now prevents many future procedures. My last option was the central tunneled Cath. It is working! I’ve had seven years of rich experiences for which I am grateful every day.

I’ve learned that I have to be my best and loudest advocate. While 1000% true when it comes to medical issues and insurance companies, it’s true everywhere in life. We have to speak up for ourselves. I’m blessed to have the support of my children, my home health team, my doctors and case managers. Collectively over the years we’ve spent hundreds of hours advocating for my care. As you can imagine, there have been hundreds of doctors appointments, too many failed referrals and countless unreturned phone calls and emails. I’ve been hospitalized multiple times with line infections/sepsis, reminding me that the central line for nutrition isn’t really intended as a solution or a cure, but as my only option. I have been bled dry, emotionally and financially, by a system that doesn’t see me, Keri Bradshaw, but rather see a case number. The most unsettling aspect is just how dehumanizing it is to me and to anyone who finds themselves

needing long-term life giving care. It can get so very frustrating, especially when living in constant pain, but I try to take a breath and be grateful that I’m here. I’m taking nothing for granted.

I’ve long believed that life is too damn short. My life threatening and near- death experiences only make me overly aware of my own mortality. I find myself in constant fear that next time I won’t be so lucky. I want to embrace every moment. That’s also what I get from my business and time spent with my clients. When clients support my business, they are giving me time and experience. I could not be more grateful. The money made allows me to afford treatments that reduce time spent in hospital beds. It helps me to pursue medical advancements that may extend my life. My business allows me to enjoy my time working and also, to hopefully buy some more time too. My clients contribute more to my life than they’ll ever fully understand. I count them among my blessings.

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